Updating the Webserver to Ubuntu 24.04

I upgraded my webserver to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS recently and ran into an odd little issue. Apache2 refused to start up due to a PHP plugin failing to load. This was specifically PHP 8.1 failing to load as it was replaced in the repos with 8.3. This ended up having a quick fix to get things in order.

The Problem

All I needed to do was disable the old PHP mod and enable the new one. I used this reference for which versions would be supported in 24.04 to enable the correct version. Overall a nice quick fix and my webserver was back operational

> sudo a2dismod php8.1
> sudo systemctl restart apache2
> sudo a2enmod php8.3
> sudo systemctl restart apache2

Cura and ESP COM Ports

While attempting to debug a problematic ESP32 recently, I needed to connect to it via the COM port from my PC in order to get more logging from the unit. In attempting to do this, I ran into a very peculiar interaction. I couldn’t connect to the ESP COM port while CURA was open. I guess it was attempting to connect to a 3d printer on the port? Whatever the cause, it was a rather annoying encounter. Once I closed it out, I was able to connect and get the logging I needed.

Ode to a PSU

The PSU that could, the antec basiq power 550. It ran for 11 years, 24/7 in my NAS, and a few years before that in an old desktop. For a $55 PSU on sale from NewEgg, I’d call that pretty good.

Aug 2011 – Nov 2024

Nova launcher app switcher stops working

I’ve run into a problem on my phone where the app switcher stops working. This only seems to happen when using a third party app launcher like Nova launcher on a pixel phone. A solution to it is to go to the pixel launcher in the android app settings and force stop it. Even if the pixel launcher app is disabled, still click the force stop button. This clears up the issue and allows the app switcher to work again.