It started out with the WordPress app stopping working for me on my phone. This happened a few months back as well and it stayed broken for a few months before it started working again. This time around I was rather very annoyed and wanted to figure out what was going wrong and fix it. In the end it came down to XML-RPC and an “optional” package in the WordPress health check.
Continue reading “Fixing the WordPress App Connection to my site”Setting up Giscus Comments on WordPress
This blog was setup originally in 2016 and has never had a really useful comments section. There was a time when the only thing showing up were trackbacks to malicious websites. This wasn’t exactly a positive addition, so I disabled trackbacks and commenting to prevent any misleading comments. I decided to try and get a comments section back and operational as a part of my overhaul of my webserver (and having recently learned of Giscus for using GitHub accounts and backend for commenting). So here we have a guide for setting up Giscus comments on WordPress.
Continue reading “Setting up Giscus Comments on WordPress”Apache/PHP Update
Back when I setup my webserver to run wordpress and dokuwiki, all the guides that I found and the guides that I followed had apache get setup with mod_php. However, after seeing this ArsTechnica WordPress Writeup, I realized that this might not have been the best way to get things going. I decided that this would be a good time to upgrade some of my webserver, so I started working on it, while my server was already setup, and the guide was on setting up a new server, the process is nearly identical, the only differences is that I had to disable/enable modules in a certain order for everything to work.
Continue reading “Apache/PHP Update”