Home Assistant Wall Tablet Display with a Fire HD8

I have wanted to add a tablet to control home assistant from for a while. I originally started by using my Nexus 7 2012 as the machine, got WallPanel installed, and found out that the embedded browser in that version of Android was too out of date and crippled to run the home assistant webui. So I decided to pick up an Amazon fire tablet for cheap to try using. I figured if I liked using it, I could use a better tablet in the future (or go through the effort of rooting the tablet and installing regular Android on it).

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The Indoor Air Quality (UK) HACS Integration and Sensor

Now that I have a number of AirGradient sensors around my house, I have all sorts of data I can make use of about the air quality inside it. I now have to figure out how to make use of all that data. Creating a single unified data point for general air quality based on the AirGradient data is the first thing I’m going to do. To do this, I’ll make use of the IAQUK HACS integration.

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Making the AirGradient DIY

I’ve been working on getting air quality measurements going in and out of my house, however there are a lot of cloud connected sensors out there. I wanted these to be all local, though I wouldn’t mind adding to the public datasets for air quality. I ended up coming to AirGradient as the option that I decided to use, these use all open hardware and can be flashed with the custom AirGradient firmware, or with EspHome. I went the DIY route as well to save some money (and I’ll be customizing them a bit too).

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Setting up Giscus Comments on WordPress

This blog was setup originally in 2016 and has never had a really useful comments section. There was a time when the only thing showing up were trackbacks to malicious websites. This wasn’t exactly a positive addition, so I disabled trackbacks and commenting to prevent any misleading comments. I decided to try and get a comments section back and operational as a part of my overhaul of my webserver (and having recently learned of Giscus for using GitHub accounts and backend for commenting). So here we have a guide for setting up Giscus comments on WordPress.

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Now with Comments

This blog now has a functioning comment system powered by Giscus! A GitHub discussions based commenting system. I’ll be putting together a write up on how it all went together to go up as one of the normal weekly posts at some point.