Flashing the ESP32 DevKit V1

On occasion, dealing with embedded hardware can be a bit of a pain. Flashing ESPs is a bit of guess and check from time to time. We’ll be flashing an ESP32 DevKit V2 today. We first need to install the drivers from here: CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers – Silicon Labs (silabs.com)

With those installed, plug the USB connection for the controller into your PC (Close out of CURA too!), and from ESPHome web, connect to the COM port for the device. After that, hold down the boot button while selecting “Prepare for First Boot” in the ESPHome web interface, and keep holding it until you see the install begin running (getting the percentage complete, etc). Once that shows up, you can release the button and wait for it to finish flashing.


  • Install Driver
  • Plug in USB
  • Connect to COM Port from ESPHome Web
  • Hold Boot button while starting the install

Fixing the WordPress App Connection to my site

It started out with the WordPress app stopping working for me on my phone. This happened a few months back as well and it stayed broken for a few months before it started working again. This time around I was rather very annoyed and wanted to figure out what was going wrong and fix it. In the end it came down to XML-RPC and an “optional” package in the WordPress health check.

Continue reading “Fixing the WordPress App Connection to my site”

InkScape Printing

In making the labels for my NFC music tags, I ran into a fun bug when printing from InkScape. Sometimes it doesn’t print your entire image. In my case, it printed all the outline boxes for the labels but NONE of the actual images for the labels. I found out from a forum post that this is a common problem for more complex images.

The way to get around this is to”Save a Copy” of your document as a PDF format, open that PDF in your favorite PDF viewer and print that out. Ensure in the print dialog that the PDF isn’t being scaled as well, as the application might try to be “helpful” in that way (which is entirely unhelpful when you need it to be a specific size). Don’t print the InkScape drawing as a PDF since that runs into the same print bug, it needs to be save as to the format for everything to work.

“Actual Size” is the setting you want here

I use Edge to open and print PDF documents, so I make sure “actual size” is selected rather than “fit to printable area” which will shrink the document that already fits just fine on a sheet of paper.

Oddity in ESPHome

I ran into an oddity with the latest NFC Deck that I built. When starting up, it would take an hour for home assistant to connect and for me to be able to get logs out of it over WiFi with the ESPHome addon. The ESP I used was no different from the first NFC Deck that I built, and the vast majority of the configuration was the same too.

There were however a few things that were different this time based on how the ESPHome web installer and home assistant adoption process went. The big one I found was the web_server was enabled on the new one. This lets you access a little web page to see everything onboard and interact with it. I guess it just couldn’t handle the number of components and sensors onboard the NFC Deck ( 9 buttons, 27 templates, 9 lights, NFC reader, piezo buzzer, rotary), because removing that from the configuration and uploading a new firmware fixed it.

TlDr: If you have an ESP that takes FOREVER for home assistant to connect to, check to see if the web_server component is included in the build, if it is, try removing it and see if that fixes everything.