Bambu Firmware Failed to Install / Version is Abnormal

I recently decided to upgrade one of my printers between prints. This ended up causing problems when the update failed, and left the machine in an incident state. The printer would display that the version number is abnormal, but then the repair attempts it tried also failed, and it refused to print in its software state.

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Adding the Bambu Lab X1C to Home Assistant

Since setting up my pair of Bambu Labs X1 Carbons, I’ve been itching to get the data off the onboard computer and into home assistant. I don’t need Home Assistant to control the machine, but being able to monitor it and notify me of anything is absolutely something I want (and maybe turn on air filters when they’re running or other actions).

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EspHome Device Randomly Disconnects from Wi-Fi

While I built my Air Gradients a while ago, there was a bug with their wifi connections that I’ve been chasing for a while. They drop off the network and don’t reconnect, forcing me to hard reboot them by cutting power to get them to reconnect. I think I’ve finally figured how to get them to at least be mildly stable and keep them from disconnecting for days at a time.

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Using from Home Assistant

While surfing Reddit one day I ran across a post about Unified Push and setting up ones own self hosted push notification system. A push notification system that can be self hosted and isn’t owned by any of the big tech companies, which I’m all for. So I decided to test it out by setting up home assistant notifications through it. While here I won’t be installing and setting up my own server right now, I will probably be doing that part in the future.

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Fixing network problems in HASS

Recently I have been working on fixing the configuration issues in my home assistant installation. I run the supervised mode on an Ubuntu VM that I setup myself with some scripts (since it’s not supported by the official installer). Due to this, I encountered a problem with network manager in home assistant that caused home assistant to lose Internet access (so unable to download updates) even though the VM has no problems accessing the Internet as a whole.

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