Home Audio Plan

I’ve had an itch for years to get a whole home audio setup working, but I’ve always wanted to avoid the large cloud in the room thats normally there around these systems. I’m finally feeling to start working things out piece by piece to try and build a system intuitive to use and just works™.

Laid out below area my planned features in general, which focus on local streams and keeping the controls easy to use. I also plan on making some EspDeck style keypads to control everyone, so there’s a control list for that as well. I’ve already gotten some of these things done, and have some further experiments to try out and demos to build out while I work my way to building a solid foundation for it all.


  • Stream Media from Local Sources
  • Stream Bluetooth to any/all Rooms
  • Simple Controls

Keypad Controls

  • Play/Pause
  • Join/Leave Group
  • Volume
  • NFC for Media Selection

Steps to Get Everything Going

I’m hoping this will make the parts bite sized enough that I don’t put the project down for another few years, and can get it done and start making use of it. Taking the NFC controls in small pieces so that I have a working tool after every step. I also know this won’t cover all of it, since there will be changes and optimizations as I go along, trying to make things as usable, stable, and maintainable as I can.