Home Assistant Automated Christmas Lights

I have a number of windows with Christmas lights in them. I would like to use smart plugs and home assistant to automate them turning on and off during the winter season since I’m pretty lazy when it comes to decorating. This should be pretty straight forward to do once we have the current month sensor setup in home assistant to use as a condition.


  • Turn on Christmas lights in the months of November and December before sunset
  • Turn off at set time

I plan on using my current month numeric sensor, automate the Christmas light smart plugs to turn on at night only during certain months.

Turn Off

The turn off automation has no conditions needed, just the trigger time and the devices to activate.

Trigger at a Certain Time
Action to Turn off the Lights

Turn On

The turn on automation triggers 30 minutes before sunset with a condition on the month being above 10 and below 13 (so months 11 and 12, November and December). This is followed up with the devices to turn on.

Trigger Near Sundown
Condition That it’s November or December
Action to Turn on the Various Lights


This is pretty easy to setup once the current month numeric sensor is configured in home assistant. This simple automation just works (TM) and lets me leave up Christmas lights in my windows without needing to take them down (and so I can use them at other times too).
