I have had XKCD comics in my home assistant dashboard for a while now, but never had the alt text or the title in the dashboard. I wasn’t entirely sure how to get those into the UI in a nice clean way (I’m not very good with the templates yet). I finally found the nice clean way to do it that should be pretty flexible to use in the future too, markdown cards.
Continue reading “Home Assistant Markdown Cards”Playing Music on a Tag Reader
The tag reader, and it’s relative the NFCDeck have piezo buzzers in them. These can be used to play monotone music via PWM signal from an ESP. As an addition to this, there’s a simple music file format from the early years of cellphones that’s also supported by this system. Combine these together and we have an interesting little music box.
Continue reading “Playing Music on a Tag Reader”ESP32 Bluetooth Proxy and BLE Tracking
I recently started using ESP32s for my projects, mostly out of necessity for the flash sizes and GPIO capabilities, but they do bring in another interesting feature I haven’t made use of yet, Bluetooth capabilities. Each ESP32 can be used by home assistant as a Bluetooth proxy and BLE tracker. It should be a simple addition to the ESPHome yaml too!
Continue reading “ESP32 Bluetooth Proxy and BLE Tracking”Proxmox Backup Server on Unraid
I’ve learned that the proxmox backup server can save a lot of space, and my vm backups are a large amount of storage on both my NAS and in my cloud backups. So I’m going to try setting up Proxmox backup server on docker in unraid to server as my Proxmox backup destination.
Continue reading “Proxmox Backup Server on Unraid”Upgrading my NextCloud to use Redis and fix Cron
I’ve had NextCloud installed for a while now and part of my core infrastructure, however it hasn’t been running well. I’ve always had issues getting the cron jobs to run and occasional problems with file locking in it. Recently the file locking problems got worse and I finally decided to fix both issues in one hopefully straightforward action.
Continue reading “Upgrading my NextCloud to use Redis and fix Cron”Max7219 display in esphome
I saw a really cool blanking panel for a server rack recently that used a bunch of LED displays to show information powered by an ESP and home assistant. I thought the displays were pretty cool and decided to get some and try them out. I may also have some ulterior motives with a project I’ve started working on as well.
Continue reading “Max7219 display in esphome”Lessons from making 5 side lit signs
I made a single acrylic sign for myself and as a test piece before I started making 5 of them for Christmas presents. Now that I’ve finished those 5, I have a few lessons that I learned along the way that my original sign didn’t shake out of my design and method.
Continue reading “Lessons from making 5 side lit signs”NfcDeck Backlit Key Notification
Since I just finished my new EspDeck model that has backlit keys. I always intended on using these for notifying me of some state in my house so I can take action on it, ideally using the EspDeck itself. This is the first use case I had for the features so I’ll be implementing it so we can start making use of my fancy new NFC Deck to it’s fullest.
Continue reading “NfcDeck Backlit Key Notification”EspDeck w NFC: The NFCDeck
The time has come for a new iteration of the EspDeck. This time it’ll include a few new features, and a new form factor. The new version will include all the features of the Tag Reader, original EspDeck, and a rotary encoder.
Continue reading “EspDeck w NFC: The NFCDeck”Flashing a Lolin32 with EspHome
In working on a new variant in my EspDeck line of devices, I need a controller with more flash space, and so I look at the Esp32 controllers, and their 4mb flash models. This is a bit of my frustrations in getting them setup.
Continue reading “Flashing a Lolin32 with EspHome”